Displaying 181 - 210 of 210 in total

Margins Are Good

FemtoConf is, in fact, sold out and Benedikt is working on the finishing touches of in-app messaging. Brian shares that he's going to start looking for full-time emplo...

Is FemtoConf sold out?

Benedikt shares some updates about the tickets and the line-up of FemtoConf 2020. Brian is worried about sounding like a broken record and is considering to apply for ...

The Joel Test for Remote Teams

Benedikt is happily integrating in-app messaging into Userlist and the sample application! Brian shares some struggles with getting the consulting pipeline fired back ...

Feature Audit is Dead, Long Live Feature Audit

Brian talks about the end of his involvement in Feature Audit and its (hopefully) bright future. Benedikt shares a bit of the struggles that they experience as an inte...

“I Love You on LinkedIn!”

Encouraging networking updates from Brian and a push to be more active on LinkedIn. Benedikt is getting into a good rhythm with working full-time on Userlist.

All Over the Place

Brian and Benedikt talk about a lot of things this week, including Brian's new resources page for remote workers, customer support, and about the pros and cons sharing...

Packaging Headaches

This week, Brian explores some ways to create overlap between his consulting work and Headlamp, while Benedikt continues researching email providers and tries to build...

You’ve Got the Compass!

Brian and Benedikt are back after taking a break over Christmas and New Year's. They talk about some of their answers to the questions in the Year Compass and provide ...

Feelin' it

We're winding down the year and gearing up for 2020!

Die Eier von Satan

Brian and Benedikt discuss recent developments in their businesses which include spammers, pre-sales, podcasts about remote work, and metal bands from the '90s.

We Should Get More Sleep

Benedikt has In-App Messaging close to production-ready and Brian's trying to figure out how to position himself to start the year with zero client work in order to fo...

Project Headlamp

Brian's "Remote work doesn't have to be lonely" project is picking up momentum and has a name and website. Meanwhile, Benedikt is happy about Userlist's performance in...

Grand Decisions

Brian is back from a week in the Grand Canyon and Benedikt has some exciting news about his time commitment to Userlist.

Building Branch with Special Guest Peter Suhm

Brian is on vacation this week, so Benedikt is joined by Peter Suhm of Branch. Peter and Benedikt talk about the history of Branch, how Peter got into building softwar...

Trial & Error

Brian is inching toward being ready to start pitching his prototype to customers and Benedikt is feeling a bit uneasy about Userlist's trial conversions.

Domain Expertise

Benedikt is excited about an expensive purchase and Brian is ironing out the last kinks in the onboarding flow of his new product.

Sleepless in Croatia

Benedikt gives an update on his time at MicroConf Europe and Brian thinks there's a similarity in bootstrappers' perception of markets and our inability to grasp the s...

Getting in Shape

After giving a short update on their past week, Brian and Benedikt talk about Ryan Singer's book Shape Up.

Mountains, Calendars, and Slackbots

Benedikt is back from vacation and Brian is closing in on finalizing the functionality for his "Remote Work Doesn't Have to Be Lonely" prototype.

Pros & Cons of Building in Public with Special Guest Derrick Reimer

While Benedikt is on vacation, Brian is joined by Derrick Reimer to get meta on the pros and cons of doing a "Built in Public" Podcast.

Keeping up with the Bootstrappers

Brian makes good progress on his new product and Benedikt is finally done with researching how to implement in-app messages for Userlist. Inspired by Brian Casel, we a...

Tiny Tasks & Big Insights

Benedikt is feeling overwhelmed by a big list of small tasks. Brian continues to look for insights to address the problem of isolation and loneliness that many remote ...

Feast or Famine

Brian and Benedikt talk about their consulting businesses. They cover how they usually get new leads and what they do during the downtime between new projects.

Remote Work Doesn't Have to Be Lonely

Big news from Brian about his plans for Feature Audit and Benedikt talks through his struggles with analysis paralysis.

Webmaster of Puppets

Benedikt's experience at a Metallica concert leads us to reminisce about building band websites in the old (and not so old) days. We also talk about our successes and ...

Microminds & MasterConf

Brian's still exploring the formation of a Mastermind group and Benedikt upgraded Userlist to Rails 6 before going out sick for a few days.

It's dangerous to go alone!

Benedikt's calendar exploded following Userlist's launch. Brian had an encouraging week after a code pairing session with a friend. We talk about the pros and cons of ...

First Day of School

Benedikt celebrates the successful launch of Userlist and some stressful hiccups that happened in the days prior. Brian gets some advice on restructuring his business ...


Benedikt and Userlist have an official launch date and a Code Freeze. Brian struggles to find time for Feature Audit between client proposals and family time.

Hello World

Brian and Benedikt talk about how the idea for the show came about and what they're hoping to share along the way.