Krista Melgarejo
Marketing & Podcasts at @userlist | Writer and digital marketer by trade | Still trying to get that science degree 🎓
Appears in 67 Episodes
Write Down Your Passwords
Benedicte and Benedikt talk about the updates from the week and why it's in fact good idea to write down your passwords.
Kind of Done with Summer
With the summer almost over, Benedicte is excited to get back on the grind. Benedikt deals with the heat wave and the load of small things at work.
User Experience with Nathan Powell
UX designer Nathan Powell joins Benedicte and Benedikt to talk about his latest projects, some practical UX tips, and the common struggles with onboarding.
Slow (& Steady) Summer Rhythm
Benedicte is enjoying the slow summer rhythm. Benedikt and the team are feeling good about the new pricing.
Protecting data privacy
Benedikt fights against spam sign-ups. Benedicte contemplates the next steps for POW! in light of the recent overturn in the U.S.
pgMustard with Michael Christofides
Michael Christofides of pgMustard chats with Benedikt and Benedicte about gardening, pgMustard, PostgreSQL, and doing marketing for SaaS.
New Userlist Pricing is Up!
Benedikt finally launches the new pricing. Benedicte talks about their ideas for the next season of the stream.